Support Links
"The NSW Anti-bullying Strategy brings together evidence-based resources and information to support NSW schools, parents and carers, and students to effectively prevent and respond to bullying."
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
NESA sets and monitors quality teaching, learning, assessment and school standards. NESA is focussed on supporting teachers and increasing student achievement.
Study Links
TROVE is the National Library of Australia's online database, which includes links to over 500 million different resources.
Google Scholar is a great search engine for finding scholarly literature. It is important that students and professionals source accurate and reliable literature to support claims and ideas. It is particularly useful for essays and reports.
Wikipedia in an online encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the public. Wikipedia is good for finding the basic understanding of an idea or subject. However, it should be noted that Wikipedia is in no way regarded as a reliable research platform to source in an assessment.
ISEEK is a targetted search engine which focuses on information for education. It compiles hundreds of thousands of authoritative resources from university, government, and established noncommercial providers.
Students & Parents can access the portal by clicking on the above image.
Students enter your Department of Education login or email address & password. Parents with an existing account, enter your email address & password.
Download the Sentral for Parents app
The Sentral for Parents app allows you to monitor your child’s school journey simply and efficiently. You will find numerous smart features that help streamline your day. Receive messages and notifications from teachers, report absences, make payments for school activities and more. The Sentral for Parents app helps you stay connected and informed about your child’s education.
Click on the Sentral for Parents App User Guide to assist you navigate through all the features.
- Click on the Tenterfield High School Student & Parent Portal image & select Register Here
- Complete the details to create your account. You will receive an email to validate your registration.
- Click on the Tenterfield High School Student & Parent Portal image. Enter your username & password followed by the school you wish to join, Tenterfield High School.
- Enter the access key provided by the school exactly as it appears. All students are provided with an access key when enrolling at Tenterfield High School. Please contact the office if you do not have a current key issued.
- Don't forget to download the SEntral for parents App onto your phone for handy access to your childs attendance, timetable, school daily notices, newsletters and much more!