Our school has four sporting houses: Cunningham, Oxley, Parkes and Stewart. These four houses compete against each other throughout the year in Swimming, Cross Country, Athletics and house sport competitions held at the end of each term.
Tenterfield High School is passionate about supporting the next generation of sporting champions as well as developing a healthy future for all students.
If a student is unable to participate in practical PE lessons or Sport, they require a signed note from their Parent/Carer that outlines why that child cannot participate. If this is an ongoing problem, students require a medical certificate from their General Practitioner. Please remember that practical PE is a compulsory part of the school curriculum and participation is mandatory.
THS is now using School Bytes for online permission notes that are sent directly to parents/carers via email. Online permission notes include a link to a secure payment site via the Westpac Parent Online Payment (POP) system (Visa, MC, credit/debit cards accepted).
When parent/carer permission is required for a student activity, such as an excursion, an email will be sent to you, with a link to open the secure online permission form.
The online form will contain information about the activity or excursion, as well as a section for you to complete and sign. If the activity involves a cost, the online form will show a make online payment button.
Information submitted by you will be stored securely for the school to review. Your individual response can only be accessed by school staff, due to the sensitive nature of the information you provide.
To complete an online permission note sent by the school follow the steps outline below.
1. Select the blue view online form button in the email
2. Review the details of the event
3. Provide consent by selecting Yes or No
4. Complete the required sections of the note
5. Provide a signature (using a mouse on PC or finger on mobile device)
6. Select submit form
7. Make payment, select open link beside make online payment
8. Select the fee for the activity
9. Complete the Payer details (name, contact number & email address)
10. Populate the payment details in the secure make a payment page and select submit payment. Ensure the description for payment matches the name of the activity/VOR/Excursion.